If you have been following me over on my Instagram, I’ve been sharing this printable that I custom-made for our family. Let me be honest – I am TERRIBLE at creating schedules and routines. However, ever since becoming a mom, I have needed so much structure. I think subconsciously I just need to feel sane haha…yup, that’s probably it. So I have gotten so much better at having structure in my life!

My daughter is now 20 months, so written down schedules aren’t really a thing anymore. I have our daily routine locked down. However, throughout the week I like to have specific activities or outings we do together. So this “schedule” section makes it a lot easier to keep track of what we are going to do be doing and when. Babies, toddlers, and children also thrive on routine. It gives them clear guidance and instruction as to what they will be doing that day.

Meal ideas is a great section if you like to try new recipes for your baby or toddler! I will look at Pinterest like 100 times a day to remember what I had pinned and wanted to make that week. It’s a waste of time… So having that clearly written down helps my chaotic mom brain.

The shopping list is all the random items you think you need throughout your day. I know you do it. haha. So do I. If you don’t, well…👍🏼. I’ll go through my day thinking, “there is a lot of mess on the floor, I need a small bin to organize this. I’ll buy that on Amazon. ” Only for me to forget and the mess stays! Not to say you need EVERYTHING your brain thinks of through the day. But it would be nice to have a place to quickly write it down. Plus you can add ingredients you may need for your meal ideas!

Notes of course are any extra things you may need to write: Things to share with your spouse when they get home. Encouragement for yourself if it’s one of those tough days, etc.

Lastly, and my favorite the Affirmations. I will have a copy of mine and also a blank one that I will send you. Feel free to use mine as a reference for affirmations. If you have your own, amazing! One of the best things we can do for our children is to speak words of encouragement over them!

    Get your copy emailed to you!

    I hope this template helps you create a little structure and routine throughout your day! Tag me over on Instagram @brittanialexandra or send me a message with your printout! I would love to see how helpful this becomes for your family! ❤️