Whoo Hoo! 🎉 Who’s ready for Christmas? I have always loved Christmas, but now that I have a toddler, I want to explode with excitement! It is just so much fun seeing their sweet faces light up from all the lights, gifts, and festivities! Ugh, I love it!

Anyways, now that my excitement is out there. I thought it would be awesome to do some fun December / Christmas Journal Prompts + a Bible Reading Challenge! For some reason, maybe the busyness, it gets harder to read my bible during this season. I know that sounds crazy…we are literally celebrating the birth of Jesus. BUT I get caught up in reading the birth story over and over that I forget about the rest of the Gospel!

SO! There are 24 books in the book of Luke that we can read from now until December 24th. That way when we wake up on Christmas morning, we have not only have the story of Jesus’ birth in mind but the entirety of the gospel! We will take a break for December 25th and then start reading Ephesians which has 6 chapters to end on December 31st!

Below you will find a little graphic to December / Christmas prompts that I think will be helpful in getting us excited in reading and journaling! Personally, for me, it can feel like a task. But once I start getting into it and establishing a routine, I can’t wait to read the Word and journal! I hope this helps you too if you are struggling in that area! (:

Each day, start off with one prompt from the list and then go into reading the chapter of the day. After you have read the chapter, journal a few things that stood out or that you feel God laid on your heart! That’s it! You make it as short or long as you’d like! This is your time. ❤️ Oh, and Merry Christmas! ✨

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