Hi, I’m Brittani! A little bit about me… I am a Youtuber, small-business owner, the online media coordinator for my church, a wife and last but certainly not least a dog mom! Also… I guess technically now, a blogger! Yes, I know what you are thinking…that is A LOT! And for some reason, being all those things makes me WANT to write a blog and add one more thing to my plate. haha

To start off this blog, I want to share a bit of my story so that maybe we can connect a little bit.

Most of my life I lived with my mom, and two sisters. So you would think that it was a super girly household…but it wasn’t. We had our girly moments…because hey, we are girls. However, most of the time words like “poop licker” and “fart nugget” would be our insults haha. Every Sunday we would go to St. Francis Cabrini, our Catholic church, and most days we would eat quick meals because our mom didn’t know how to cook, being a young mom.

When I was 15 years old I met the love of my life. Now I will stop and say, I had NO idea what love was at 15 haha…but he is my husband now so we eventually found out what it meant (and are still learning every day). Anyways, after meeting him, my life changed in so many ways. I went to his Non-Denominational church, freaked out because of all the loud music, found Jesus, got baptized, invited my family, THEY ALL have now been baptized, and our lives are now forever changed. Crazy right?!

Well, the story doesn’t end there… obviously, because I’m not 15… oh wait, have I told you my age? I’m 23 by the way…haha.

Back to the story. Three years later, after meeting my then boyfriend, he decided to join the military. For those of you that watch my youtube channel…you probably saw that coming. For those of you that didn’t know that… yeah, it was a shock to me too. I didn’t know much about the military at that moment, but man did I learn quick!

Ever since that moment, I have loved sharing my life experiences. From becoming a military significant other and then wife, to learning how to cook, to my walk with Jesus, to even my fashion choice (which have not always been cute…you know what I mean 90s peeps…gauchos, all plaid.. you get the ugly picture)…they all have been such a learning and growing experience that I ask myself, why wouldn’t I share this?

So this is why I am writing and starting a blog. I don’t know where this will go or anything about the future really. Let’s be honest, I barely know what I am going to make for dinner, but I do know if God wants to use me to share my experience with others, He will do that.

So I hope you follow along on my crazy and uncertain life, and who knows, maybe we can learn from each other! (: